Sacred Heart Parish Census 2024

Updating Together, Strengthening Community

What is the Census About?

The census aims to gather updated contact details and household information of our parishioners. This includes residents currently residing in the household, ensuring we have accurate records of our community members. We understand that families evolve over time, and some children may have moved out, which is why this update is crucial for us to stay connected.

How You Can Participate

Fill out the Census Form: Only one form is needed per household. You can pick up a paper form at the church, or alternatively, you can download and fill out the form digitally from the link provided below.

2024 Census form

Return the Form

Once completed, please return the form to the designated drop-off location at the church. Your participation is invaluable in helping us strengthen our community bonds.

Why Your Participation Matters

By participating in the census, you're not just updating contact details; you're actively contributing to the vitality and connectedness of our parish community. Your updated information helps us ensure that we can reach out, support, and celebrate with each and every one of you effectively.

Get Involved Today

Join us in this endeavor to update together and strengthen our community bonds. Download the census form above or pick up a paper copy at the church. Your support and participation mean the world to us!

Thank you for being an essential part of the Sacred Heart Parish family. Together, let's continue to grow, support, and celebrate our vibrant community!