Come celebrate with us!

Come, experience the embrace of faith and the warmth of community. Join us as we gather in worship, for within the walls of our Catholic Church, hearts unite in reverence and souls find solace. The Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish Kew are known for their hospitality and we extend a very warm welcome to all our new Parishioners and Visitors. Together, let us walk the path of spiritual enlightenment, nourished by the Word of God and guided by His love. Join us and let your presence illuminate our sacred space, for every soul is cherished, every journey embraced.

Step into the sanctuary of our Catholic Church, where fellowship blossoms and grace abounds. You are invited, to find solace, inspiration, and belonging in the comforting embrace of our vibrant community. We eagerly await your presence as we gather to celebrate and deepen our faith, for in unity, we find strength, and in worship, we find communion.

Come, join us on this sacred journey, for together, we shall enrich our lives and touch the divine. Welcome to our Catholic Church, where hearts are opened and spirits soar.

Join us for morning tea

Join us for a delightful morning tea or coffee with scrumptious food after the 9:30 am Mass. Let's gather, connect, and share in the warmth of our community. It's the perfect opportunity to catch up, make new friends, and deepen our bonds of fellowship. Your presence will truly enrich our time together. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and hearts. See you there!

Join us for morning tea