The Sacrament of Baptism is primarily about the salvation of souls. It is also about being adopted into God's family, the Church. Baptisms used to begin at the entrance of churches, because this Sacrament truly is the door through which we enter God's Kingdom.
Sacred Heart parish normally has baptisms on the last Sunday of each month, during 9:30am Mass or at 11:30 after Mass. The community wishes to warmly welcome the newly baptised and their families into the parish. There will be a preparation meeting with the parish priest in the month leading up to the baptism. Please speak to the parish office or to the parish priest if having the baptism outside of Mass seems more appropriate. Click here if you would like to order a baptism candle.
By bringing your child for Baptism, or by presenting yourself for Baptism, we take seriously your desire for you or your child to grow in the Catholic faith. Your child will depend on you and your participation in the life of faith. They will also depend on their Godparents. As an outpost of the world-wide faith community, Sacred Heart parish community welcomes the newly baptised warmly. We see ourselves as an extended family where you and your family can feel welcomed supported and loved. So, Baptism is about belonging, not just for your child but for your whole family. To belong to the Catholic Church means first and foremost being washed in Christian baptism, and then coming to Mass on Sunday, and then striving to live the moral life of faith in the world.
If you would like to know more, click here.
Click here to look at the Church's official teaching about Christian Baptism.