Welcome To Sacred Heart

Our Lord and Master says, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11:28-29).

The people of Sacred Heart Parish Kew warmly welcome you and your family. If we haven't yet met, please come and introduce yourself to us. We'd love for you to be able to fully participate in the Mass and the Sacraments with our Catholic Faith Community.

Sunday Mass is 9:30am and the Saturday evening vigil Mass is 6pm, and Confessions are Saturday 9:45am or upon request.

Come celebrate with us

Join us in true worship of God the most high, where souls unite in reverence and the restless heart finds peace.

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Devotion to the Sacred Heart

is devotion to Jesus as all loving and all lovable. Pope Pius XII wrote that, “[Jesus] has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our salvation, ‘is quite rightly considered the chief sign and symbol of that… love with which the divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father and all human beings’ without exception."

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Lord, may we the parishioners of Sacred Heart strive to be people of the gospel and prayer. Imprint in our hearts a deep desire for your Word and a love of the Eucharist. Motivate us to be an engaging, welcoming, and supportive community. Help us to be a people of compassion and justice for all.

Sacred Heart Parish Prayer



The Sacrament of Baptism is primarily about the salvation of souls. It is also about belonging to God's family, the Church. By bringing your child for Baptism we take seriously your desire for your child to grow up in the faith of the Catholic Church.

Read about Baptism

Mass Times

Sunday Mass

6:00 PM
9:30 AM

Daily Mass

No Mass
9.15 AM
9.15 AM

Sacred Heart Church is open Friday and Saturday morning from 9.45 am to 11.45 am for quiet prayer.

Please note that our weekday Mass times will resume on Tuesday 18 Feb 2025 (TBC)

Today's Reading

Reading 1 Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20

Verse Before the Gospel John 6:63c, 68c

Gospel Matthew 5:17-19


Mar23Sun9:30 amSunday Mass
Mar25Tue9:15 amWeekday Mass
Mar26Wed9:15 amWeekday Mass

Stained GlassWork

St Peter

Pentecost doves

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The Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish Kew extend a very warm welcome to all

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